Why should I Care about Environment Protection? 21

Sometimes you come across the facts which are so powerful so they work like a trigger for changes. Environment protection lays in our hands. We tend to trust the numbers, so let’s see what number say. These are few killer facts to make you realise what is the situation around the world.

Killer facts about environment

“If you want to change the world, start from yourself”

2 billion people have no access to clean water. Over 22 million people die each year from diseases connected with poor water conditions. Within this number, mostly children are victims. In poor countries industrial waste is discharged without treatment, which causes drinkable water pollution.

$22 million is worth the global bottled water industry. In fact, it is not really necessary, if water sanitation would be improved. Do you know that drinking bottled water is not only bad for the environment and your wallet, as everyone should have access to this basic good for free. But also, it is not as healthy as running water, water stays in the bottle for long time, absorbing toxins from the bottle. Fresh, spring water is the best for our body.

What’s more most of the bottled water comes from the municipality so it’s basicly glorified tap water with 10 000 more of a cost. I advice you to check what is your home water source and make sure you can drink it directly or through the filter. Next, get sustainable bottle which you can refill when going to work or traveling and stop buying bottled water forever.

“Change is not merely necessary to life; it is life”

environment protectionCotton consumes 22% of world’s pesticides, while it is planted only on 3% of the world’s fields. Moreover, it requires gazon of water, since it likes to grow in a hot and dry climate. All in all, one T-shirt needs 1,170 litres of water and one cupful of chemicals. In consequence, countries of central Asia, where cotton is major export crop, struggles with serious climate issue. The Aral Sea has shrunk and is in danger of disappearing. The once-mighty Indus River is out of water. It cannot irrigate the fields; land becomes dry. Are you alarmed of war-refuges problem? Soon we will face climate refuges as well.

Do you buy your clothes in the shopping mall? Have you noticed, that most of the tags indicate Bangladesh as a country of production? 80% of export for Bangladesh are clothes. In the same time, garment workers endure harsh conditions and the world’s lowest minimum wage. Employees have high production targets. If they cannot fulfil them, they have to work extra hours but with no overtime. It is very tough; they cannot go for toilet breaks or to drink water. In consequence, they become sick. They are getting the minimum wage as per legal requirements but they it’s not a living wage. Women spend most of their youth in the garment industry for multinational retailers and then they have to retire at 40, when their health is ruined. Not to mention 2013 factory collapse that killed 1134 people at Bangladesh’s Rana Plaza.

If you were ever happy of getting promotional price 2$ T-shirt or 5$ sweater, think how much were the production costs, taxes, etc. and at last, how much got the hands actually doing it. Companies will continue using cheap labors as a slave. The responsibility lays in customers buying the goods. The cost of cheap clothes is people living in poverty and factories cutting corners on health and safety. We need to wake up from the consumption dream and start buying responsibly and try buying locally. Check out local clothes industries or buy hand-made crafts when you travel. Don’t throw away clothes to the rubish, give them to charity.

“Don’t ever leave it to the next guy to effect change. Do it yourself.”

50 000 people per day die as a result of poverty. From those mostly children in developing countries. In the same time, amount of multi-millioners increases. 800 million people go to bed hungry each day. Little bit more than that lives in slums. Think, how much goods we have, and how much we waste every day.

Raising animals for food uses 45% of Earth’s total land and is responsible for up to 91% of Amazon destruction, with 1-2 acres of rainforest being cleared every second. Animal agriculture is the main cause of deforestation around the world. More than 20 percent of the world’s oxygen is produced in the Amazon Rainforest. Billions of animals are slaughtered without mercy every year, in systematic and extremely cruel ways. What’s more, it takes anywhere between 5,000 and 20,000 litres of water to produce one kilogram of meat. Not to mention the energy use. Do you want to learn more, or you are ready to go vegan today? If you don’t feel comfortable for that step, try to limit meat consumption and buy animal products from eco-farms.

Greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide, methane and water vapor, trap heat in the Earth’s atmosphere and warm the planet. The current pace of global average temperature rise puts approximately 25 to 35 percent of plant and animal species at increased risk of extinction. Average sea level is expected to rise 1 – 6 feet before the end of this century. Rainforest destruction contributes to climate change. Changing your every day habbits you can contribute to positive changes in that matter.

slums mumbai

“Be the change you want to see in the world.”

Right now there are over 46 000 pieces of plastic waste floating in every square mile of the oceans. Plastic-bag and straws litter kills at least 100 000 birds, whales, seals and turtles every year. Plastic can take centuries to decomposte, plus includes many poisonous substances which enter the environment. Solution is simple – we need to stop using it! Get yourself reusable shopping bag, say no to straws and try to limit your plastic usage.

Environment protection lays in our hands

You only have one life, so try to make a positive contribution, and get true satisfaction. It’s all like a circle and we are part of the process. Start living and traveling responsible. Our impact on climate changes is significant but we still have chance to improve it, if we only start to care about environment right now! These simple steps will guide you through first changes in your daily life habits.

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