przewodnik po algierii

Sunflower bread, flatbread Algerian, kesra. 17
Algerian bread – Kersa is a delicacy I fell in love with, even though I am not so much into bread. This recipe is very simple but yet will make you travel! Traveling in the North African countries you realize, that the bread there is holy. The consumption of wheat […]

Kesra – Algerian bread recipe – my travel delicacies

Streets of Kasbah Algiers. Safety in Algeria. Woman's dress code in Algeria. 53
Talking about safety in Algeria, I have to admit that the information I found about the country was limited, often outdated. If you Google safety in Algeria, you may find only information about terrorism, kidnaping, discrimination of women and overall, that better not to go there. In this article I will […]

Safety in Algeria – all you need to know before going to Algeria part 2