About responsible travel and me
My name is Anita, and I love to travel. Over the last 10 years, I lived in a few different countries and visited over 70. I love to travel slowly and to have time to learn about the local culture.
However, I haven’t always traveled consciously. In the past, I was not even aware of the times when I was harming the environment. The travel choices I made were based on habits and lack of knowledge about what’s good and what’s bad. I thought my traveling was fine, and that it was other people who were traveling badly, because they littered or didn’t care about nature.
Years of traveling has made me more sensitive to the needs of the environment. I understand local communities more, and I know how not harm them and how to help them. I’ve also learned to take care of myself while traveling, because I’ve realized how important that is. Finally, I learned how to appreciate every single moment.
I have discovered several ways for traveling affordably, sustainably, and without giving up comfort. Now, I would like to share this knowledge and experience with you.
Why travel consciously?
- Conscious travel is usually cheaper.
- You support the local economy of the places you travel to.
- You do something good for the planet and inspire others to do the same.
- You can relax and get rest.
- You can meet a lot of people—traveling slowly and staying with locals is an ideal chance to make new friends.
- If you travel more eco-friendly, you will see a lot more.
- You will buy unique souvenirs and try dishes recommended by locals.
Why are these things so important?
Sometimes I am terrified, when I think about what’s going on in the world. Airplanes emit unimaginable amounts of greenhouse gases in their exhaust fumes. The meat industry is destroying huge tracts of jungle and consuming a great deal of water. We are irretrievably losing plant and animal species. Every day, people produce millions of tons of garbage that will take centuries to decompose, and some will never decompose. We all know that our planet has been already greatly destroyed by man.
Tourism is also a degrading industry. Especially if we are talking about mass tourism, that is, crowded places with lots of hotel facilities and restaurants. Nature can be particularly depleted in these places, yet we prefer the opposite in our travels—admiring its untouched beauty.
However, this is not the time to complain, but to act. Your actions matter! By traveling consciously you will have a real impact on the local economy, reduce your negative influence on the environment, and contribute to a positive change.
Worried that you won’t make it? It’s not important to be perfect and 100% eco-friendly. I don’t think that’s even possible. What is important is to start changing habits, step by step, to more conscious travel.
Ready to go on this journey with me?
Is this e-book for you?
- First of all, you love to travel, and you are aware that traveling is not always eco-friendly. At the same time you love it too much to give it up. Instead, you prefer to learn how to reduce harmful activities on your trip.
- You want to travel more eco-friendly, but you are afraid that it costs much more.
- You want to make your way of traveling for more sustainable, but don’t want to give up the comfort.
- You want to do something good for the planet, but not if you would need to constantly make sacrifices.
- You want to know how you can contribute to the quality of life of local communities, not to harm them.
- You care about reducing waste, especially plastic.
- You want to know how to take travel decisions consciously—decisions that will have a positive impact.
- You want to travel more green, but you fear that it is difficult, so you look for simple solutions to show you the way.
- You want to travel more green, but you think it’s hard and takes a lot of effort, so you look for motivation and inspiration.
If most of these statements resonate with you, I’m sure you will greatly benefit from this e-book. Step by step, it will introduce you better ways of traveling.
What will you find in this Conscious Travel e-book?
- How to reduce your negative impact on the environment while traveling?
- Easy and cheap ways to reduce trash when traveling?
- How to travel slowly?
- What are the common mistakes tourists make?
- In which ways you can respect local culture and support local communities?
- Tips on how to take care of yourself while traveling on a busy schedule?
- How to implement minimalism into your travel?
- Useful links
- Personal stories from my trips and my path to conscious traveling.
This e-book guide, Conscious Travel, contains 70 pages and is only available in PDF format. You can read it on your computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone.
Knowledge made simple, advices made practical.
I spent several months preparing this e-book, and I put my heart into it. It is the result of many hours of work: writing and designing.
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Click the “ADD TO CART’ button above and click the cart button to see your order. Choose your preffered payment option. Payments are securely operated by STRIPE. After purchasing the pdf will be downloadable on this page. If you have any questions or concerns, please email me:
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