Poland is my homeland, where I spent most of my life. Always love to come back and explore off the beaten path places in Poland. I want to share with you some fascinating destination, which you may not find in a tourist guide.
Off the beaten path in Poland
Poland is a big country with over 312 000 km², so believe me, we have much more than the well-known touristic attractions! From amazing mountains through medieval towns, lakes and beaches. Therefore, if you would like to see some off the beaten track spots, now few propositions.
1. Sandomierz
Sandomierz on the south east of Poland is definitely the most lovely town in the whole country, not only because it’s my hometown. Historical old quarter, Vistula river or natural gorges are not the only attractions for tourists. Sandomierz is a perfect place for a weekend trip in Poland. To find out more I prepared a guide around Sandomierz, where you will see more photos and surely get tempted to come here.
2. Pepper Mountains
If you ever come to Sandomierz, you must also visit Góry Pieprzowe which means pepper mountains. Not many people come here and know that they are the oldest mountains in Poland. However, strong erosion made them look like a little hills with characteristic fragile rocks. When you take the stone in your hands, you will understand how week is that, as it’s easily breaking into pieces, which look like a black pepper.
Pepper Mountains is a National Reserve as there are several unique species of flora and fauna, especially wild roses. What’s more, this natural reserve will provide you stunning views at the Vistula river and panorama of the town. Absolutely worth visiting, especially on sunrise!
For those who don’t like to move a lot, you can get to Pepper mountains by car and have a short walk to the viewpoint. If you like to hike, I recommend taking the whole day and walk from the old town of Sandomierz through all Pepper Mountains. You can find a trail leading there on the old market, or ask in the tourist information.
3. Krzyżtopór Castle
Staying in the south-east Poland I want to introduce you the most stunning castle ruins which you can see in Poland. Imagine that: 4 bastions like 4 seasons, 12 halls equals the number of months, 52 chambers as much as weeks in a year and 365 windows – analogous to the number of days. The dining room in the tower had supposedly a glass ceiling, through which an aquarium with exotic fish could be seen. This is Krzyżtopór Castle headquarters of Ossolinski family, which today is unfortunately a ruin, but incredibly impressive. Prior to the creation of Versailles was the largest object of this type in Europe, in full glory it functioned only eleven years.
4. Five Ponds Valley
Most of the tourist visiting Poland visit Zakopane in Tatra mountains but they choose the well knows crowded paths like Morskie Oko. I have admit, that Zakopane is not off the beaten path spot in Poland. Thousands of tourists visit it every year. However, as I highly recommend visitng this city I decided to mention one of the less visited trails.
Five Ponds Valley is a perfect off the beaten path trail, not too hard and less famous. It’s my favorite spot in astonishing Tatra mountains. Hike trhough the valleys, climbing one steep mountain and breathtaking view from over there. On the way to the valley you will see the highest polish waterfall named Siklawa.
5. Ancient mines of optimism stone
I am taking you to the biggest ancient mines in Europe. In Świętokrzyskie region, there are mines of striped flint known in the world as “Stone of Optimism”. It exists only in one place in the Earth, in a large reserve area in south-east Poland, in Krzemionki Opatowskie. In Neolithic, it was a huge business of 4 000 mines which created millions of axes and other tools. Like a huge factory! While Egypt was building their pyramids, Krzemionki Opatowskie mine was producing tools for all the Europe.
They also believed that this unique stone is a talisman protecting from evil. Nowadays, lots of people come here to see the mines and get a stone of optimism as a souvenir. The stone looks nice with the grey stripes and is fashionable jewlry element. The ancient mine is in Krzemionki village. The touristic path is around 1,5 km of the musem as well as part of the underground tunnels. They also tried to reconstruck the ancient village. Thinking that it’s the only place like that in the world, I would highly advice putting in on your off the beaten path in Poland list. Today, Krzemionki Opatowskie mine is part of UNESCO heritage as one of the 16 places in Poland.
6. Bieszczady
Mountains is definately one of the reasons you should visit Poland. Bieszczady Mountains in the south-east Poland is where you can still feel out of the world. They hide this wild ambiance to feel out of the planet. Perfect place to forget about worries or job and find inner peace. Just you and nature. If you plan to visit off the beaten path spots in Poland, you shouldput it on your bucket list. Stunning views and solitary paths will surely make you want to come back.
They become more and more popular but place I am going to propose for you is less crowded, however not less beautiful than other parts. Talking about Rawka Peaks you will find yourself in heaven. Just you, nature and amazing views. They are my favorite mountains in Poland therefore I hardly recommend it and write more details in a separate article. Check: Places you must see in Bieszczady mountains.
7. Skull chapel

fot. Wikipedia
This chapel was made from 3 thousands human bones and 20-30 thousands more are under its floor. This enormous tomb of remains which were collected in the area of Kudowa Zdrój in south Poland.
Bones or families and soldiers of wars, enemies and friends together, remind how fragile is our life. Chapel was built in 1776 by Father Waclaw Tomasz, who was collecting and cleaning the remains for eight years… It is the only one in Poland and one of three in Europe. The other 2 are in the Czech Republic and Portugal. The chapel made an amazing impression on me, prompted the reflection on history. Being there I was feeling overwhelmed and thoughtful about history of my country.
8. Moszna Castle
99 towers and 365 chambers! No it is not Disneyland or Loire Valley, it is Poland. This magic castle in Moszna not only looks like from fairy tale but also organizes wizards academy as in Harry Potter. The castle in Moszna has its own spirit! According to legend, the castle of Moszna has a white lady who is miserably in love with the Countess. The castle is surrounded by a park where rare rhododendrons grow. Moszna in on the west of Poland, not far from Wrocław.

Moszna Castle with 99 towers
9. Kazimierz Dolny
Next lovely place off the beaten path in Poland is Kazimierz Dolny. Amazing history, stunning views, nature – you will be impressed! Place of painters, artists hosts as well film festival every summer. Besides town is set in the middle of national park with walking paths, gorges and Vistula river. Does it sound like a plan for trip?
10. Kurozwęki Palace
Lastly, on off the beaten path in Poland I present you Kurozwęki Palace in Świetokrzyskie province. Current owner of the land not only renovated the building but created there many interesting attractions for tourists. Huge property has bison, you can have a Safari and see variety of animals in mini ZOO. Get lost in adventurous corn labyrinth. The tour includes a courtyard, underground full of fairy tales and legends, as well as cellars with the history of the palace.

Whenever I meet foreign tourists coming to Poland, they visit only well known touristic attractions such as: Warszawa or Kraków, Auschwitz, Zakopane, Wrocław Poznań and Gdańsk. I hope I inspired you to visit other off the beaten path spots in Poland.
PL Pszczoła kocha przyrodę, kwiaty oraz herbatę. Najbardziej sprawia jej przyjemność życie i podróże w rytmie slow, bez pośpiechu. Stara się podróżować bardziej ekologicznie i inspirować do tego innych. Lubi poznawać inne kultury, tradycje, spędzać czas z lokalnymi i kosztować ich przysmaków. Jej ulubione miejsca w każdej podróży to uliczne bazary.
ENG The Bee is a nature lover and tea addict. Loves the idea of slow life and responsible traveling, constantly trying to improve to bee more eco-friendly. Appreciates old cultures and traditions, loves to immerse with locals, listen to ethnic music as well as taste regional food and drinks. Her favorite spots while traveling are family houses and street markets.
Hi there! I love your blog and nominated you for the Blogger Recognition Award!
Sandomierz i Kazimierz odwiedziłam w ubiegłym roku – po raz pierwszy! Bardzo mi się tam podobało, ale trudno je nazwać miejscami bez tłumów – być może to zależy od pory roku.
Do Sandomierza bardzo chciałabym wrócić.
Rzeczywiście miasta są w sezonie dość zatłoczone, jednak na majówkę czy długie weekendy warto wybrać się w inne rejony. Polecam jednak jako alternatywę do dobrze wszystkim znanych tras i miejsc. Sandomierz i Kazimierz z pewnością do takich nie należą.
To lista dla mnie, bo bardzo nie lubię tłumów 🙂
Coś dla mnie 🙂 W wielu z tych miejsc byłam, ale o niektórych nawet nie słyszałam, więc trzeba będzie nadrobić zaległości! Najchętniej zaczęłabym od wyprawy w Bieszczady 😀
Bardzo się cieszę, że lista Ci się przyda 🙂
Góry Pieprzowe, Dolina Pięciu Stawów i Kaplicę Czaszek zapisuję na wycieczek. Mieszkam od dwóch lat w UK i po powrocie na stałe do Polski będę jeździć na urlopy tylko w Polsce! 😛 tęsknię za krajem!
Bardzo mnie to cieszy :* Życzę udanych powrotów
Zgadzam się, Polska jest piękna i cały czas niedoceniania. A Moszna… fajnie, że ją odkryłaś 😉 Mieszkam tuż obok 🙂
Sandomierz jest na mojej liście na najbliższy czas! No i Moszna. Nasz polski Hogward 🙂
Bardzo lubie Sandomierz i Kazimierz Dolny, a inne miejsca bede musiala koniecznie odwiedzic 🙂
Świetne zestawienie! Kilka z tych miejsc znam, ale inne to dla mnie zupełna nowość, jak np. Góry Pieprzowe. Chętnie odwiedziłabym też Sandomierz, Kurozwęki czy Krzyżtopór 🙂 Szkoda, że te wszystkie miejsca są tak daleko ode mnie 🙁
Mam nadzieję, że kiedyś będziesz miała okazję zawitać w Świętokrzyskie i zobaczyć te wszystkie miejsca na raz! Trzymam kciuki
Kurozwęki, nie spodziewałem się, że kiedykolwiek zobaczę je na takiej liście 😀 Ale, ale, widzę tutaj małą nieścisłość:
“Ogromna posiadłość posiada stado żubrów”
To nie są żubry. W Kurozwękach można podziwiać stado najprawdziwszych bizonów amerykańskich, to jedyna taka hodowla w Polsce. Pozdrawiam 🙂
A no tak! Przecież to bizony! Bardzo dziękuję za zwrócenie uwagi. Zaraz to poprawię.
Heh, raczej nikt nie spodziewa się spotkać bizona w Kurozwękach, więc pomyłka do wybaczenia 😉 A z ciekawych i mało znanych zakątków w Polsce polecam Góry Bialskie i Puszczę Śnieżnej Białki. Ciągle mało popularny, dziki i urodziwy zakątek Sudetów.
Polecam i pozdrawiam 🙂
Dzięki 😉 Nigdy tak nie byłam
Ja byłem pierwszy raz w tym roku, też wcześniej nie słyszałem o tych górach, nie są zbyt popularne, bo bez auta ciężko tam dojechać (a zaraz obok jest dużo chętniej odwiedzany przez turystów Masyw Śnieżnika. Pozdrawiam 🙂
Spośród wszystkich wpisów, wybrałam właśnie ten 🙂 Dotychczas były tylko plany odwiedzenia tych miejsc, dzięki Tobie i Twoim zdjęciom wiem na pewno, że po prostu muszę tam być 🙂
Bardzo się cieszę, Polska jest niezwykła!
Mam nadzieję, że w tym roku uda mi się wrócić do Kazimierza. Byłam tam raz i cały czas jestem pod jego wielkim wrażeniem:)
Trzymam kciuki aby się udało. Wiosna jest tam przepiękna 😉
This is such a great post and amazingly written. I love how your convey your thoughts on this.
Thank you so much :*
Od siebie polecam także Podbeskidzie.
I went to Poland a few months ago and hike Morskie Oko in Zakopane. I wish I had more time to explore, because it was just sooo beautiful!
Indeed, Morskie oko is beautiful but the most popular atraction so crown is insane. The other spots are more peaceful and gorgoeous as well.
Hi I love your blog because it’s so clear and refreshing new look at places. . Would you be so kind as to advise me about Zakopane. I am traveling there solo and would love to do your recommended hike. Is it easy to access the start of the trail from the town? Is it recommended to get a rental car or transportation? Also, do you recommend any guides or are the trails pretty easy. I have good experience wilderness hiking in the U.S. I am also traveling alone in Poland without local language. Kind regards, Ansu
Hi Ansu,
It is very easy to access the trails from the city of Zakopane. Some of them walking, and some you take a local bus. No need to rent a car because you won’t use it much, Zakopane is already in the great location for hiking, and trails are starting there. No need to rent a guide at all, you can walk by yourself, it is safe for a solo female traveler so no worries about that. Trails are well marked. What I advice you to do is to go to the tourist information in Zakopane located in the center of the town on the main street (Zakopane is very small town, you can easly walk) and get free map of the trail and choose one for youself. They are marked with colors and estimated time of hiking for easier planning. It’s really beautiful area, I am sure you will love it!